Understanding Top Articles
Once you start writing articles and getting views to your knowledge base, you'll see a new section on your knowledge base called Top Articles.

by River Sloane
Once you start getting views to your knowledge base you'll see a new section on your knowledge base called Top Articles. Depending on your theme, this is either below the search bar or a little further up the page.

How Top Articles are Calculated
Top articles are shown based on the past week of article views.
In the example below Resetting your password, Installing our JavaScript snippet, and Creating your first workflow will all show in the top articles section because they've had the most views in the last month.
We only show the top 3 articles for the week.
Title | Views in the last week | 🏆 Top Article? |
Resetting your password | 536 | Yes |
Installing our JavaScript snippet | 452 | Yes |
Creating your first workflow | 364 | Yes |
Adding your teammates | 321 | No |
Using our API | 128 | No |
Want to remove top articles? Use one of our provided code snippets over here.
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