Setting a Custom Favicon

Favicons let your users easily identify your website from the URL bar. It's like a teeny little version of your logo that browsers show you occasionally. HelpDocs lets you add a custom one. ✨

Taylor Sloane
Updated by Taylor Sloane

Favicons let your users easily identify your website from the URL bar. It's like a teeny little version of your logo that browsers show you occasionally. HelpDocs lets you add a custom favicon to your knowledge base.

Uploading a Custom Favicon

For best results, we recommend using a 144px square PNG (.png) file.
We can only accept PNGJPG, and SVG files.
  1. Go to SettingsBrand
  2. Find the Favicon image dropzone, and click to upload your image (or drop an image inside the frame)
  3. Your favicon file will upload to our servers
  4. We'll automatically serve this file to browsers that support it

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