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Exporting Articles to PDF

With PDF article export you can take your knowledge base offline. We'll automatically make them readable, print friendly, and nicely formatted. 💅

River Sloane
Updated by River Sloane

With PDF article export you can take your knowledge base offline. We'll automatically make them readable, print friendly, and nicely formatted. You might want to use this to:

  • Give employees an onboarding handbook
  • Send customers printed instructions
  • Take articles with you on the go without needing an internet connection

Exporting a Single Article PDF

  1. Head to the article you want to download
  2. Click > Export as PDF
  3. Your download will start
Fancy seeing what it looks like? Here's an example single PDF

Exporting a Multiple Article PDF

  1. Head to the Content tab
  2. Bulk select the articles you'd like to export together
  3. Click the Download button in the top right
  4. On the dropdown click PDF
  5. Your download will start in a new tab 👌
Here's an example of a multi-article PDF export

Exporting Your Account to PDF

  1. Head to Settings > Migrations
  2. Head to the the Export & Backup section
  3. Click ⋮ more next to PDF
  4. Click Email me a PDF
  5. We'll start preparing your PDF. When it's ready we'll send you a link you can use to download it 👩‍💻

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Exporting Articles to Word

Hiding Articles from Public Search Engines

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