Bulk Editing Multiple Articles

Sometimes you want to update multiple articles at once without going in and out of each one. With bulk edit inside the content view, you can. Go forth and update. 🧙‍♂️

River Sloane
Updated by River Sloane

Sometimes you want to update multiple articles at once without going in and out of each one. With bulk edit inside the content view, you can. Go forth and update 🧙‍♂️

What can I change with Bulk Edit? 🎛️
You can edit the article status, author, stale status, category, permissions, enable/disable Table of Contents, and download PDFs

Bulk Select & Edit Multiple Articles

  1. Head to Content (or click here)
  2. Click the checkbox next to the article or category you want to select
  3. Click Bulk Edit in the top right
  4. Select what to change
  5. Hit Apply Edits
Your bulk selected articles will be preserved so don't worry about clicking away ✨
If you've selected a category any subcategory articles will also be selected

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