Assigning Permission Groups to Articles

HelpDocs supports article-level permissioning, so you can restrict who can view each article. You can easily manage who has access to your article from the article editor.

Taylor Sloane
Updated by Taylor Sloane

HelpDocs supports article-level permissioning so you can restrict who can view each article. You can easily manage who has access to your article from the article editor.

Before adding groups to articles you need at least one user group

Assigning Permission Groups to an Article

  1. Head to the article
  2. Click the Permissions icon in the toolbar
  3. Select the group name from the Groups dropdown (you can choose more than one)
  4. Click Apply changes
  5. Hit Save Changes

Now only users in the selected groups will be able to see the article 🔐

Assigning Category Permissions to the Article

If your article is in a category that has Default Permission Groups you can see at a glance if its Permissions differ from its parent category. The Permissions Icon dot will show as yellow rather than pink.

  1. Click on the Permissions Icon button
  2. Click Copy from Category
  3. Click Apply changes
  4. Hit Save Changes

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Assigning Permission Groups to Categories

Removing Permission Groups from Articles

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