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Available Commands in Your Slack Workspace

There are a number of commands you can use to create, search, and share your docs all without leaving Slack. Here's a complete list of them.

River Sloane
Updated by River Sloane

Create, search, and share your knowledge base articles all without leaving Slack. Here's a complete list of commands you can use to power up your knowledge base.

HelpDocs Slack Commands

When you connect the Slack integration we add a /command to your team. Just type /hd

This lets you interact with your content. On any command you can add help to get a list of all the things you can do.

The first time you use a /command you'll be prompted to log in to HelpDocs. If you're desperate to do this manually just type /hd connect.





search [query]

Search your articles for [query]


create [title]

Create a new article called [title]



Get a list of all commands

✏️ Create a New Draft

Use /hd create TITLE to create new drafts. Just use the command, choose a category (or leave it blank), and jot down team ideas and bullet points for later straight from the modal.

🕵️‍♂️ Search and Share Articles

Whether you bring customer support into Slack or you want to share external or internal articles with the team you can edit or share articles directly in a channel.

Type /hd search TERM and you’ll get a list of the most relevant articles.

Who Can Use the HelpDocs Slash Commands on Your Slack Team?


Can use HelpDocs /commands?

Workspace owners

✅ Yes

Workspace admins

✅ Yes


✅ Yes

Multi-channel guests

✅ Yes

Single-channel guests

⛔ No

For more information on guest permissions, check out this section on an article in the Slack help center.

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