Using Markdown Blocks

Developer? Writer? If you are, you've probably heard of Markdown. With Markdown Blocks, you can create entire articles using the Markdown syntax.

River Sloane
Updated by River Sloane

Developer? Writer? If you are you've probably heard of Markdown. With Markdown Blocks you can create entire articles using the Markdown syntax. It'll all be highlighted properly for you too so write to your heart's desire 💖

Using Markdown Blocks

  1. Head to an article
  2. Click the Block button
  3. Click Markdown Block
  4. You'll get a code editor you can start writing Markdown in
We support standards-compliant GitHub-flavored Markdown.
  1. Hit Save Changes
  2. Markdown will transform into HTML when you preview ✨

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Getting Started with Content Blocks

Adding an HTML Block

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