Adding an HTML Block

Ever want something custom within your content but don't wanna write the whole thing in HTML? Our HTML Block is perfect for you. 🀩

Taylor Sloane
Updated by Taylor Sloane

Ever want something custom within your content but don't wanna write the whole thing in HTML? Our HTML Block is perfect for you 🀩

Anything you can do with HTML you can do with HTML Blocks. Think dropdowns, inputs, and whole sequences if you fancy! And guess whatβ€”it comes with predictive complete (devs rejoice) πŸŽ‰

Wanna test out code beforehand? We recommend using a code playground like CodeSandbox or CodePen to get instant changes
πŸ” Use your HTML block more than once by saving it as a Clip

Adding an HTML Block

  1. Head to your article
  2. In the editor click the Block icon
  3. Click HTML Block
  4. Write your HTML inside the code editor block
    You can include <style> and <script> tags to add design and functionality too πŸ’…
  5. Hit Save

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Using Markdown Blocks

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