Text Editor

Content Blocks

Writing in HelpDocs WYSIWYG editor comes with a bunch of formatting options. Whether it's writing in Markdown or dropping custom HTML right into your articles, there's a bunch of things you can do to make your copy sparkle. HelpDocs Content Blocks are a great place to start adding all the pizazz that'll help you engage your visitors. ✨

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7 docs by 2 team members

​Understanding Article Statuses

When you create a new article in HelpDocs it'll have the Draft status. When you're ready to share it with the world you have a couple options. Here's what those statuses mean.

Taylor Sloane
Updated by Taylor Sloane

​Article Backups, Revisions, and Versioning

HelpDocs is designed to be used as a team. But sometimes when you have a lot of users working on an article things can get messed up. With version control, you don't have to fret. 🙃

Taylor Sloane
Updated by Taylor Sloane

​Adding Tags to Articles

You can add tags to your articles to improve search performance. Tags help us identify what an article's about and present better results to your users.

Taylor Sloane
Updated by Taylor Sloane

Text Editor Shortcuts

If you're a furious typer or just need some handy ways to get articles written quickly, you'll find a list of our shortcuts here.

River Sloane
Updated by River Sloane

Editing Images

Change image size, alignment, send folks to a different page, or make your image more accessible by adding alt text.

River Sloane
Updated by River Sloane

Inserting Images

Images are great for product screenshots, step-by-step instructions, and breaking up a long article. Here's how to insert images and make the most outta them.

River Sloane
Updated by River Sloane

Managing Clips

Ever needed to use the same text or HTML in multiple articles? We got you. Clips lets you do just that.

Taylor Sloane
Updated by Taylor Sloane

Using Folds

Wanna add some optional background info to your articles? With Folds you can pique users' interest without overwhelming them 🌟 A Fold is an element with a title and content. The content is hidden by…

Taylor Sloane
Updated by Taylor Sloane

Using Ordered Lists

We've always hated seeing boring ordered lists in articles. When we started building HelpDocs we wanted something a little different. Our lists are totally customized and customizable ✨

River Sloane
Updated by River Sloane

Moving an Article to a Different Category

Having a spring cleaning for your knowledge base? You'll probably wanna know how to move your articles to different categories. It's super easy and only takes a few clicks 🐭

River Sloane
Updated by River Sloane

Inserting Images into Ordered Lists

You can insert images between ordered lists without resetting the counter. Here's how.

River Sloane
Updated by River Sloane

Adding Note, Tip, and Warning Callouts

Wanna make your HelpDocs look super awesome? Try out some of our styles. 🦄✨

Taylor Sloane
Updated by Taylor Sloane

Switching the Editor Mode

When writing articles in HelpDocs, you can choose whether to write in What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) or HTML. By default, articles will start in the WYSIWYG mode.

Taylor Sloane
Updated by Taylor Sloane

Adding Buttons

Buttons make your links stand out whether it’s a call to action or pointing customers in the right direction. Here's how to add them to your articles 💖 This is what a Button looks like 👀 When should…


Unassigned Articles

If you haven't assigned a category to an article you'll see it stored inside Unassigned Articles. Think of this as temporary storage for all those articles that haven't quite got a place yet. It alwa…

River Sloane
Updated by River Sloane

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