Text Editor Shortcuts
If you're a furious typer or just need some handy ways to get articles written quickly, you'll find a list of our shortcuts here.

by River Sloane
If you're a furious typer or just need some handy ways to get articles written quickly, you'll find a list of our shortcuts here.
Shortcut description | Keys on Mac | Keys on Windows |
Save article | ⌘ and S | Ctrl and S |
Publish working copy | ⌘ and Shift and S | Ctrl and
Shift and S |
Bold | ⌘ and B | Ctrl and B |
Italics | ⌘ and I | Ctrl and I |
Underline | ⌘ and U | Ctrl and U |
Create a link | ⌘ and K | Ctrl and S |
Undo | ⌘ and Z | Ctrl and Z |
Inline code | ⌘ and ` | Ctr and ` |
Add new table row | Shift and ⏎ | Shift and ⏎ |
Subscript | Ctrl and = | Ctrl and = |
Superscript | Ctrl and Shift and = | Ctrl and Shift and = |
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