Getting Started with Content Blocks

Writing in WYSIWYG editor with Markdown, HTML, code, embed & quote blocks to enhance content.

Taylor Sloane
Updated by Taylor Sloane

Writing in HelpDocs' What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor comes with a bunch of formatting options. Whether it's writing in Markdown or dropping custom HTML right into your articles there's a bunch of things you can do to make your copy sparkle ✨

Finding Content Blocks

  1. Head to the article editor
  2. Click on Blocks in the toolbar
  3. You'll find all the Content Blocks listed in the dropdown

Understanding Each Content Block

HelpDocs Content Blocks are a great place to start adding all the pizazz that'll help you engage your visitors.

  • Markdown Blocks. Perfect for people who love writing in Markdown. Markdown blocks convert GitHub-flavored Markdown syntax into a readable article. 📝
  • HTML Blocks. Add a little pizzazz with custom HTML elements like buttons, accordions, and embedded forms. ✨
  • Code Blocks. Highlight large sections of code and make it easy for dev teams to implement solutions. Great for technical documentation 👩‍💻
  • Embed Blocks. Want to add a video? There's a block for that too! Break up your articles with an embedded video like the one above 📹
  • Quote Blocks. These help you draw attention to a specific part of your copy. 👀

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Using Markdown Blocks

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