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Disabling Authorship and Updated Times

From our experience, customers love being able to see who updated an article and when. That being said, sometimes you might want to hide all that metadata away.

Taylor Sloane
Updated by Taylor Sloane

From our experience customers love being able to see who updated an article and when. That being said sometimes you might want to hide all that metadata away. Especially if you don't update your HelpDocs very often!

We don't offer a native way to hide authors, profile images, and updated times, but you can do it with a small amount of CSS.

You'll need to paste all your CSS into the custom CSS box in Settings.

There are a couple places in your Knowledge Base that authorship and updated times are displayed.

  1. On category and subcategory cards
  2. On article cards
  3. In article pages


On our Bars template you can choose whether to disable updated times, authorship, or both.

/* Disable updated at times and author names on the article page */
#ahAuthorship {
display: none;

/* Disable updated at times and author names on category cards */
.cCardAuthorship { 
display: none; 

/* Disable updated at times and author names on the article cards */
.ahAuthorship {
display: none;

This is what it'll look like with both updated times and authorship removed using the above code 👆

  1. For category and subcategory cards
  2. For article cards
  3. Within article pages

Selective Updating on Bars

Removing authorship only
/* Disable author names on the article card */
.ahAuthorshipAvatar {
display: none;

.ahAuthorshipAuthor {
display: none;

/* Disable author names on the category card */

.cCardAuthorshipAvatar {
display: none;

.cCardAuthorshipAuthorCount {
display: none;

/* Disable author names on the article page */
.ahAvatar {
display: none;

.ahAuthor {
display: none;

This is what it'll look like with only authorship removed using the above code 👆

  1. For category and subcategory cards
  2. For article cards
  3. Within article pages
Further ways to customize
/* Disable author name */
span.ahAuthor {
display: none;
/* Disable updated at times */
span.ahTime {
display: none;
/* Disable author avatar */
img.ahAvatar {
display: none;


Selective Updating on Curve

On our Curve template, you can choose whether to disable updated times, authorship, or both.

/* Disable updated at times */
.author-text .updated-at {
display: none;
/* Disable author names */
.author-text .author-name {
display: none;
/* Disable updated at times and author names */
.author-text {
display: none;

Disable Authorship on Older Templates

Here's the CSS you'll need to disable all authorship:

/* Disable authorship */
#article #body p.meta,
#category #articles p.card-text img,
#category #articles p.card-text .text-muted,
#category #subcategories p.card-text:last-of-type,
#home #categories #category p.card-text:last-of-type {
display: none !important;

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