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Filtering Articles

Need to narrow down the list of articles with certain attributes? You can filter your articles to find what you're looking for. 🔍

River Sloane
Updated by River Sloane

Need to narrow down the list of articles with certain attributes? You can filter your articles to find what you're looking for.

Filtering Articles

  1. Head to Content
  2. Click on Filter in the top right
  3. Start adding filters from the dropdowns to find what you're looking for
  4. Click Apply

You can filter by several different attributes:

  • Status
  • Author
  • Stale Status
  • Category
  • Translated Status (if you're not in your default language)
  • Permission Groups
  • Tags
  • Search term (a word/phrase that appears in the title or body)
  • Updated after
  • Updated before

Fine-tune With Matching Conditions

Want to be more or less specific with your searches? You can choose whether to find articles that match some of the conditions or force it to match all of the conditions.

Example Filters

If you're stuck on ideas on how to filter your content, think about the data you're looking for. We find users want to work out:

  • When a set of articles were last updated
  • Who is in charge of which articles
  • A set of Stale articles given certain criteria

Find all published Stale articles after the 30th November
Match: All conditions
Status: Published
Stale status: Stale
Updated after: 30 November
Find all marketing content by Mila in the Marketing Permission Group updated after 17th June
Match: All conditions
Permission group: Matches all Marketing
Author: Mila
Updated after: 17th June
Find all draft content by Rebecca in the Marketing and Support Permission Groups
Match: All conditions
Status: Draft
Permission group: Matches all Marketing, Support
Author: Rebbeca

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